Lisa Bryan, Executive Editor

Lisa Bryan, Executive Editor

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The adage that “love is blind” is true on many levels. Hate is blind too. more
We remain connected, win, lose or draw. We know how to work together side by side, how to network, who to call for help with nearly any challenge that presents itself. more
The KP does things its own way. Let’s do this. For today, for tomorrow and thereafter. more
Ballots begin arriving at voters' homes Oct. 18 ahead of Election Day Nov. 5. more
In Lisa’s column last month, “Willingness and Commitment,” she wrote about a gathering of people from different political tribes talking about stuff that matters. more
When people share a common goal and are willing to work together for the good of the order, great things happen. All that’s required is a willingness to dedicate to a mission and a commitment to show up to help regularly. more
Any conversation about development on the Key Peninsula prompts diverse visions. A perfect example is the hope of restoring Lakebay Marina and the work it will entail. more
A student's plea for more social-emotional learning and diversity support echoes the ongoing struggle against discrimination in our schools and prompts a reflection on the past. more
Talking about mental health struggles and suicide helps prevent misinformation and can help an adult meet a child where they are, without fearing judgment. more
Perfectly timed, Valentine’s Day approaches and my heart is full of love and gratitude for the fact that we are here together making our way through this life we share. more
I cannot tell you how many times I’ve sat down to write, only to stare at an empty screen with a blinking cursor before me and realize I have nothing nice to say. more
“You know, there really is a lot of great stuff going on here.” more
Monday morning Aug. 14 began like any other day. Rolled out of bed at 5:30, grabbed my robe, made my way to the kitchen for coffee, then slid back into bed with my husband to read the latest news on … more
Unexpected summer house guests come in many forms, but this one was truly wild. A peaceful afternoon erupted into utter madness outside as a screaming mother duck frantically chased her duckling … more
Morning comes early in summer. Between the light and the rising chorus of birdsong, catching a few extra winks of sleep is hard to do. more
If I was indoctrinated into anything during my years of public school, it was the right to a long summer vacation.   I remember the countdown to the last day each school year with the … more
Over the last month, I’ve heard from many people questioning whether the Key Peninsula is still the same friendly community it was prior to 2020. It does not feel that way to them. It’s a big … more
The front page of … more
It looks like 2023, the Year of the Rabbit, is already shaping up to be quite newsy. On the heels of publishing our 50th Anniversary Edition in January, duly recorded as Volume 50 Number 1, Key … more
This year we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of Key Peninsula News. Of course, we might not really be 50. Could be 48; maybe 51? We’re celebrating anyway. The front page of … more
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