Pierce County Rollback Relief Program for Phase 2 Return. County businesses and nonprofits are eligible for a grant if they have 20 or fewer full-time equivalent employees (eating/drinking establishments have no employee limit), are directly impacted by the Phase 2 rollback and are not a corporate chain or corporate franchise. Deadline to apply is April 23. Go to https://www.piercecountywa.gov/7239/2021-Rollback-Relief-Grant
Pierce County Rent Payment Assistance: Call 211 and operators will help you do the application (many different language speakers available) or go to: https://www.piercecountywa.gov/7142/Rental-Assistance
Gig Harbor/Peninsula FISH Food Bank administers both rental and utility assistance to Key Peninsula and Gig Harbor residents. 253-858-6179
Emergency Housing Assistance
Housing assistance for eligible Pierce County residents behind on their rent and mortgage payments, or in need of temporary housing. Note: The eviction moratorium has been extended through March 31, 2021. Washington State has also extended rental assistance programs to incorporate new federal funding for rental assistance together with a path for landlords, property owners and property managers to initiate an application for rental assistance.
For more information call (253) 841-8886 ext. 800 or email: covid-ra@shareandcarehouse.org
Emergency Small Business Relief Loans and Loan Forgiveness
Small businesses that have experienced significant economic injury as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic may apply for this loan program if they meet certain criteria. Loan amounts of $1,000 per full-time employee will be awarded up to $20,000. Loans will be offered to qualified applicants at no interest and no payments for 12 months. Applications will be accepted until funds are exhausted.
NEW: Paycheck Protection Program Available to All Lenders Accepting PPP Applications as of Jan. 19, 2020
Eligible small businesses can submit PPP first and second draw applications to any participating PPP lender. A first draw PPP loan is for borrowers who did not receive a PPP loan before the program closed in August 2020. A second draw is for certain borrowers that previously received a PPP loan, generally have 300 employees or less, and have suffered a 25% reduction in gross receipts.
Go to: https://www.sba.gov
Washington Small Business Loans and Grants
The state is accepting applications for $50 million in new small business loans and grants. Apply here.
State Resources for Residents
The Washington State Department of Financial Institutions has numerous financial resources for residents affected by COVID-19, including housing assistance, help with utilities, unemployment assistance, credit card payment, student loan relief, and household expense relief.
Assistance for Workers
Local bankers, financial associations, telecoms, utilities and major employers that may be able to provide relief with deferred bills, waived fees, discounts, no-interest loans and other support.
Health Insurance
The Washington State Insurance Commissioner can help answer questions about getting insurance and coverage for damages related to COVID-19. Go to insurance commission or call 1-800-562-6900.
Department of Health
The Washington State Department of Health has a call center to answer questions. If you have questions about what is happening in Washington, or how the virus is spread, please call 1-800-525-0127. Phone lines are currently staffed from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven days a week. Please note that this call center cannot access COVID-19 testing results.
Additional resources