KP Gardens
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KP Gardens: Frost glimmers on mossy branches as dormant gardens quietly prepare for spring's vibrant return. more
KP GARDENS: Pruning hydrangeas is like solving a mystery—spring, fall, new wood, old wood—who knew flowers had such complicated schedules? more
It is funny to think that just two months ago I was cursing the persistent rain clouds in the June sky blocking some much- needed Vitamin D, and now I sit under a clear blue yonder praying for a … more
On most summer days you’ll find me toiling away in the garden, crawling around on all fours or standing at a 90-degree angle, hands on my hips, staring into the green and brown abyss like a mad … more
When I was 12 years old I joined a cult. Some people know it as 4-H, which is not generally considered a cult but based on how I recruited others into it, you could have been fooled. Looking back … more
Mid-spring marks the starting line for the crucial race against nature’s clock. It’s the second installment of the pruning season when spring flowering shrubs become the object of my garden fixations. more
You have earth for the taking, full of everything a plant needs. more
Not long ago, in a one-window studio apartment under a carport, I made my first attempt at sowing seeds. more
Who said we have no sense of history around here? I mean, we love to retell the old stories of anarchists, contraception pioneers, free love, and —gasp — nude bathing in Home Colony … more
I recently overheard someone giving a small sermon about how they no longer wish to entertain “small talk.”   Initially, I understood the sentiment and even quietly cheered for … more
I love my garden, but sometimes it makes me feel like I’m a contestant on one of those cooking shows where amateur chefs are given a basket of incompatible ingredients and have to make a … more
This spring I fell in love with worms. Red wiggler worms to be exact.   Why do I love them? Let me count the ways. They have five hearts! They eat half their body weight each day! They … more
Last October, for the first time in recent memory, a bear paid a visit to Herron Island. By the time word got out and folks went looking, it was nowhere to be found, swum back to the mainland. … more
When we built our vegetable garden more than a decade ago, complete with raised beds and an 8-foot tall fence, it included three compost bins. We hailed from Seattle with a small yard. The only thing … more
For Jim Watts, spring means time on the road with hundreds of thousands of bees in his truck. One by one he visits an ever-growing list of home orchards, hobby farms, clearcuts and gardens. At each, … more
The month of May is when the garden finally starts to look like a garden. The seeds I sowed two to four weeks before the last frost date have finally sprouted and the transplants of lettuce and kale … more
This time of year, the morning sun enters the house at the perfect angle to shine light on how much dust and cobwebs have accumulated in the living room, signaling that spring is almost … more
For residents of the PNW, the transition between hot and windbreaker weather is as welcome as the resurrection of pumpkin spice lattes. more
The fruit harvest will be low in home orchards across the Key Peninsula this year. more
Longbranch is ready to welcome a new community garden. What began as piece of land riddled with blackberry bushes, shrubs and trash has been developed into a budding garden for the community to … more
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