Letters to the Editor
127 results total, viewing 61 - 80
Thought I’d check in and say hello. (“Local Man is Saving Animals in Ukraine,” June.) I am currently in Kyiv at a home of two fabulous people who went from contacts to friends. … more
I just read the latest Joseph Pentheroudakis column, (On the Wing, “1968,” May 2022), which brought back many memories of that time. Two years before him, in the summer of ’66, I … more
Coincidences always grab my attention and are easy to understand as hints that there is a pattern to life. Imagine my thrilled surprise on reading the words “M/S Aurelia” in another great … more
It is important for the public to understand why Key Peninsula volunteer firefighters have been outspoken at recent board of commissioner meetings. Volunteers are all citizens who live on the Key … more
Thank you for having the courage to publish Carolyn Wiley’s best column, ever. I’m still laughing.Marcia Harris, Lakebay more
I am enclosing a check for $30 for another year’s subscription. I am a very old woman who lived my happiest years on that peninsula. The newspaper gets down here in good condition — even … more
Recent actions taken by the KPFD have ignited controversy, irritation and confusion regarding its $2.1 million commercial real estate acquisition in the heart of Key Center’s business district. … more
When the KP Fire District board spent taxpayer money to buy the O’Callahan’s restaurant property, it convinced me to never again vote in favor of one of their levies. The board bought the … more
I would like to present a business case against expanding shellfish farming, specifically geoducks, in Burley Lagoon. Based on my six years of living on the lagoon, an approval for a proposed … more
I want to thank KP News for Ted Olinger’s two insightful articles about the Key Peninsula Fire Department as they were real eye-openers for me (Jan. and Feb. 2022). It is so easy to be critical; … more
I see nothing has changed at the board of fire commissioners. Their attitude seems to be the same as it was way back when I was on the board. We know best, and the people will always follow us … more
At the Dec. 14 fire commissioners meeting the board decided to proceed with hiring a new full-time fire chief instead of pursuing the previously discussed possibility of a part-time chief shared with … more
Wow! What a great column. Mr. Tisino summed up my feelings and fears exactly. I am sad that he had that experience at Evergreen Elementary School, but I get it. I love that his article was printed at … more
I have been reading with interest the articles in the Key Peninsula News regarding the expansion of facilities for the fire department.While I completely agree that growth and expansion are needed, … more
In his January 2022 column, Rion Tisino identifies some deep rifts in the Key Peninsula community caused by racism. I was particularly disheartened to read his perceptions of bias in the Peninsula … more
Why are we being segregated into vaxed vs. unvaxed? What about the third group: Those of us with natural immunity. According to the CDC, about one third of the U.S. (100 million) have had COVID-19, … more
I have lived in the area over 40 years and walked the beaches and forests of the Key Peninsula. I see firsthand the damage that commercial geoduck harvesting does to the beach. I was at the Haley … more
I take no pleasure in pointing out the lack of leadership exhibited by the board in handling Chief Morrow’s decision… more
I live on the Key Peninsula and something that concerns me is the lack of color or any reflective material on the knapsacks and coats of little kids. We spend hundreds of dollars to make sure our … more
I support Juanita Beard for election to the Peninsula School Board Nov. 2. Her experience as a mental health professional and a parent with children in our schools makes her very qualified for the … more
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