471 results total, viewing 101 - 120
Fellow KPers — get thee to YouTube and watch “The Maple Cutter,” a 2023 documentary by Daniel Hoffman and Lynn M. Thomas. more
A few weeks ago, I flew home to Seattle from Missoula. I was looking forward to getting home, excited that the flight wasn’t more than an hour. I settled into my window seat and watched as the … more
As the countdown clock ticked away the waning days of summer, school and library boards around the country were besieged with demands to limit access to an ever-expanding list of books. more
I would like to skip the question about whether heaven exists, maybe another time, but let’s think about the idea of heaven. I’m sure some of you have a pretty clear picture, maybe based … more
Already I have lived longer than my dad and brothers. At 68 I find myself living happily in Longbranch after a lifetime as a third-generation Californian. We moved up to be closer to our grown kids … more
“You know, there really is a lot of great stuff going on here.” more
This column (October 2023), though well written, is a real headscratcher for me. Fracking for oil in shale is bad, but de-watering is good? De-watering is the process used in fracking or … more
I appreciated John Pat Kelly’s letter to the editor regarding the current KP fire commissioner position 3 election where he expressed his disappointment that I am running unopposed … more
I encourage all voters to cast their ballots for two very deserving candidates for fire commissioner positions. Shawn Jensen, position No. 3, has been a fire commissioner for the past seven … more
If chosen by the will of the citizens of the Key Peninsula, as a write-in candidate for fire commissioner position 3 with Pierce County Fire District No. 16, I, Hal Wolverton, vow to bring back … more
After squandering hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars, I was disappointed to see Commissioner Shawn Jensen running unopposed for re-election. Jensen, along with Stan Moffett and the rest of the … more
For Dr. Sara Thompson regarding her article: Marvelous. It has stuck with me since I first read it in early August. Paragraphs 8, 9 and 10 were an actual epiphany in the concept of “shocking … more
I recently attended a high-profile tech conference where artificial intelligence was the talk of the week. After listening to the hype and the promises, and the long-term visions from heavily funded … more
On May 10, 2016, then Herron Island ferry captain John Farris posted a photo on the islanders’ group on Facebook with a laconic caption, as was his style, even though the announcement could … more
It was 1979 or ’80. My dad informed me I would accompany him to a business dinner. I put on my three-piece suit, like his, and he drove us in his 1968 Volvo P1800 bone-white coupe with red leather … more
In his June column, Richard Gelinas talked about energy production (“No Nukes: Carbon-free Electricity.”) He touched briefly on the benefits of solar power. He also mentioned his desire … more
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We need more stories like the one Lisa Bryan wrote about Larry the young duckling in the August edition ("Picking Up and Letting Go," Aug. 2023 ) I personally feel like most news reported these days … more
Monday morning Aug. 14 began like any other day. Rolled out of bed at 5:30, grabbed my robe, made my way to the kitchen for coffee, then slid back into bed with my husband to read the latest news on … more
Graphic notes on local life more
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