145 results total, viewing 1 - 20
“The Best Gifts” earned a variety of awards at film festivals and is now streaming on Amazon Prime. more
Ross Filkins has spent 10 years as Peninsula High School’s athletic director, hiring a roster of talented coaches across each sport. But this time, the hiring process hits closer to home. After … more
Lisa Caskin has a big heart for both people and animals. Her heart and energy have made the Key Peninsula a better place for both. more
When Rena Mason moved to the overcast landscape of the PNW, it was more than a change of scenery. It was a shift in atmosphere. more
The Headstoners aim to bring forgotten heroes back to light by restoring dignity to gravestones. They’ve already cleaned at least 500. more
Brian Combs and his trusty steed, Bear, made history by joining The Dressage Foundation’s Century Club at the Kitsap Saddle Club in Port Orchard. more
Plein air artists Kurt Solmssen and his wife Rebecca Schofield moved to Vaughn in 1988 to build their art careers and raise a family. more
Barb Hartman, local cryptid researcher, claims the KP is home to over 50 Sasquatch. more
Kayla Barnard, a Celtic medicine woman and healer, weaves potions, communes with the nine elements, and guides those in search of healing. more
Gretchen Schowalter was awarded a Minerva Scholarship to pursue advanced studies in physics at the University of Copenhagen. more
Lilly Groshell is a world-champion cheerleader who aims to bring perpetual pep to her classroom at Vaughn Elementary School. more
Sheryl Low is nationally known for her expertise in creating and appraising quilts, but her skills represent more than technical or academic talent. more
After nine and a half hours a day, six days a week, for 15 years, Chuck Ellis is ready for a change. more
Phyllis Henry, born Feb 10, 1931, in Gladbrook, Iowa, died June 29 in Gig Harbor. She was 93 years old. more
Captain Robert Bosch, the last of the Bosch legacy at Key Peninsula Fire District 16, retired on May 27, marking the end of an era for the department. more
Stephanie Brooks, the owner of Gnosh food truck knew something didn’t feel right the week before Christmas. She was suffering from a heart attack that helped shift her priorities. more
Mira Sonnen is in awe of high school wrestling at the Tacoma Dome. The junior 140-pounder on the Peninsula Seahawks girls wrestling team found a spot near the mat to take in the atmosphere of … more
Tessa Booth is a 17-year-old junior at Peninsula High School preparing to publish her first book, a mental health manual, “You Are Not Alone" as the culmination for her Gold Award for Girl Scouts. more
A church-sponsored trip to Morocco led the Easley family to decades of relief work in a country they grew to love. Their work is focused on building earthquake-proof housing for those in greatest need. more
Megan Blunk is Paralympic champion, taking home a gold medal in 2016, but her greatest victory is her triumph over a longstanding battle with depression. more
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